Pench Tiger Reserve: A Complete Guide To The Entry Gates

Pench Tiger Reserve, established in 1975 and subsequently declared a tiger reserve under Project Tiger in 1992, is a protected area situated in the southern extensions to the hills of Satpura, Central India. Within its boundaries lie the Indira Priyadarshini Pench National Park, Pench Mowgli Sanctuary (not open for tourism) and the buffer forest.

tiger in pench
L-Mark tiger in Pench Tiger Reserve

Read More: How To Reach Pench National Park

Entry Gates of Pench Tiger Reserve

This extensive network of entry points provides the visitors with multiple access options to explore the diverse and rich wildlife of the Tiger Reserve, enhancing the overall experience of the park. The core area is accessible from October to June, while the buffer area is open year-round.

Madhya Pradesh
entry gates of pench tiger reserve
Entry gates of Pench Tiger Reserve from Madhya Pradesh

Core Area: 411.330 (out of which 20% of core is open for tourism)

Number of Core Gates: 03 (Karmajhiri, Touria, Jamtara)

Buffer Area: 768.302

Number of Buffer Gates: 05 (Rukhad, Masurnala, Teliya, Khawasa, Kumbhpani)

Total Area: 1179.632

entry gates of pench tiger reserve
Entry gates of Pench Tiger Reserve from Maharashtra

Core Area: 257.3

Number of Core Gates: 05 (Sillari, Khursapar, Chorbahuli, Kolitmara, Khubala)

Buffer Area: 483.96

Number of Buffer Gates: 01 (Surewani)

Total Area: 741.2

Core Gates of Pench Tiger Reserve (Madhya Pradesh)

1. Karmajhiri

Upon entering through Karmajhiri Gate, you will encounter a vast expanse of teak vegetation, historically utilized by foresters for timber. In addition to embarking on a jeep safari, you can also partake in the Runijhuni trail walk, which commences at the Karmajhiri gate. This trail walk offers an exceptional opportunity to explore the jungle on foot, engage in birdwatching, and gain insights about trees from naturalists. 

Notably, key attractions include the waterbody Ghursalghat, renowned for frequent sightings of tigers & leopards and various other animals around the area. the neighbouring sighting areas of Jhandimatta for the black leopard, both of which have become major draws for wildlife enthusiasts. The territory of these elusive cats begins just 4 km from the Karmajhiri gate.

The Alikata region within the park provides a sprawling grassland habitat and serves as a destination for winter vulture sightings, while also actively participating in a spotted deer translocation program. Furthermore, Alikata offers tourists the opportunity to enjoy breakfast and provides well-maintained washroom facilities, a rare luxury amidst the wilderness. For a serene experience, you can savor the picturesque views of the landscape from the banks of the Pench River, indulging in exceptional bird watching opportunities.

Read More: Birds of Pench

2. Touria
touria gate in pench tiger reserve
Turia core gate in Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh

The Touria Gate, situated near the Madhya Pradesh-Maharashtra border and 12 km from NH44, stands as one of the primary entryways to the Tiger Reserve. This core zone boasts a plethora of plant life, from scrublands to small streams. Notably, near the gate lies Bhaginnala waterhole, where the tigers boldly grace the visitors with their presence, especially during the summer months. Additionally, a separate path leads to the Junewani waterbody and extends to Pyorthadi, renowned for its striking rock formations, ghost trees, and frequent leopard sightings. Furthermore, the Bijamata Lake provides opportunities to observe fish eagles, storks, and the dominant tigress of this area also shows her presence sometimes, who holds sway over the territory. Last but not least, in the Chindimata area you can witness the Pench River backwaters, formed by the Totladoh Dam, which serves as the demarcation line between Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

3. Jamtara
jamtara gate in pench tiger reserve
Jamtara core gate in Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh

The Jamtara area in Pench National Park serves as another safari zone and boasts a stunning and dense forest inhabited by a variety of wildlife, including barking deer, sloth bear, and wild dogs. Although the entry gate for this zone in Jamtara village is currently closed, vehicles now access the zone via the Karmajhiri gate. Marvel at the mix of teak, bamboo, and tendu trees while keeping an eye out for wildlife sightings.

Buffer Gates of Pench Tiger Reserve (Madhya Pradesh)

1. Rukhad
rukhad gate in pench tiger reserve
Rukhad buffer gate in Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh

Rukhad, situated within Pench National Park, stands as a flourishing sanctuary renowned for its rich biodiversity, encompassing prominent species such as big cats, leopards, and a substantial Gaur population. Positioned along the Jabalpur-Nagpur Highway NH44, Rukhad plays a pivotal role in connecting the Pench and Kanha Tiger Reserves, serving as a crucial passageway for wildlife migration between these reserves. Noteworthy locations within Rukhad comprise Nandrook Talab and Dudhiya Talab, celebrated for remarkable wildlife encounters. The exploration of Rukhad is made possible through engaging gypsy safaris or expertly guided cycling tours, enabling visitors to immerse themselves in a full day of cycling amidst the splendor of nature. To ensure a more gratifying and comfortable experience, it is recommended to lodge closer to the Karmajhiri side.

2. Masurnala

The newly opened Masurnala Gate is an extension of the Rukhad buffer, renowned for its abundant leopard sightings, diverse hilly slopes, and dense bamboo vegetation. Visitors have the opportunity to spot rare species such as barking deer and four-horned antelope, providing a rich and unique wildlife experience that elevates the allure of Pench National Park.

3. Teliya

Situated in close proximity to Teliya Village, just 4 km from Touria and 11 km from NH44, the entrance gate of this zone provides a premier wildlife observation experience. Here, visitors have the opportunity to observe a diverse range of wildlife, including tigers, spotted deer, sambar, nilgai, chowsingha, and barking deer. The area guarantees an immersive and thrilling rendezvous with nature, establishing itself as an indispensable destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

4. Khawasa
khawasa gate in pench tiger reserve
Khawasa buffer gate in Pench Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh

Khawasa, also referred to as the Wolf Sanctuary, stands as an essential destination merely 1 km from Highway NH 44. Renowned for the frequent appearances of tigers, sloth bears, and leopards, this buffer area remains a top choice among park visitors. The open wooded forest provides an ideal setting for night safaris, offering exciting opportunities to glimpse rare creatures like leopards, sloth bears, and wolves. To ensure optimal access to this gate, it is recommended to lodge near Touria for the ultimate experience. Whether you are a dedicated wildlife enthusiast or a casual nature lover, Khawasa guarantees an indelible adventure.

5. Kumbhpani

The Kumbhpani buffer is characterized by rugged terrain and dense shrubland vegetation, making it an ideal habitat for leopards. The rock formations in this area provide ample opportunities for leopard sightings, while the Runijhuni waterhole is known for the occasional sightings of the dominant tigress. You can also partake in night safaris for a unique experience, offering the chance to observe nocturnal animals such as porcupines, civets, owls, and other night-dwelling creatures.This captivating wildlife experience is located just 11 km from Pench Tree Lodge.

Core Gates of Pench Tiger Reserve (Maharashtra)

1. Sillari
sillari gate in pench tiger reserve
Sillari core gate in Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra

The entry gate at Sillari village along NH44, which is around 26 km from Khawasa and about 80 km from Nagpur, is a well-known zone within the Pench Tiger Reserve. Sillari showcases a magnificent forest with diverse landscapes including grassy patches, dense woods, rocky terrain, bamboo thickets, and freshwater streams. Notably, the presence of crocodiles sunbathing at the TotlaDoh Dam on the Pench River adds to its allure. With frequent sightings of tigers, wild dogs, sloth bears, and leopards, Sillari provides an authoritative glimpse into their natural habitats.

2. Khursapar
khursapar gate in pench tiger reserve
Khursapar core gate in Pench Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra

Located within Pench National Park on the Maharashtra Side, Khursapar is situated 12 km from Khawasa. The undulating terrain of this area is characterized by gentle rises and falls, rather than towering peaks. Despite its moderate elevation, Khursapar boasts dense foliage, providing ample cover for diverse wildlife. Artificial saucer-shaped waterholes are strategically placed throughout the area, ensuring essential hydration for animals,particularly during the sweltering summer months. Khursapar has gained a reputation as a favored destination for wildlife enthusiasts thanks to its frequent tiger sightings. It also became the favorite spot for tiger safaris in Pench. Its allure lies not only in its picturesque landscapes but also in the thrilling opportunities to witness majestic predators in their natural habitat. This gate is particularly convenient for those staying on the Touria side, especially for guests at the nearby resorts in Pench

3. Chorbahuli

The Chorbahuli Gate serves as a crucial entry point to Pench National Park, situated on the Maharashtra side, approximately 65 km from Nagpur. This gateway allows access to a distinct section of the park, providing excellent opportunities to witness majestic big cats amidst breathtaking landscapes, as well as the rare four-horned antelope. Visitors are treated to an unparalleled wildlife experience in this area.

4. Kolitmara

Kolitmara Gate, situated approximately 80 km from Nagpur, serves as a key entry point to the Maharashtra side of the Pench Tiger Reserve. Here, visitors can enjoy thrilling jungle safaris in their own vehicles, delve into the original dense jungle, and excess in a unique river ride by boat. The gate is renowned for its rich biodiversity, attracting a plethora of wildlife and bird species to the backwaters of the Pench Reservoir.

5. Khubala

The Khubala Gate, situated roughly 80 km from Nagpur, is a significant entry point to the Maharashtra side of the Pench Tiger Reserve. It is well-known for its tranquil surroundings, making it a popular choice for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers looking for a weekend retreat. Within the Maharashtra section of the reserve, the Khubala Gate provides access to the Saleghat Zone, a part of Mansinghdeo, offering ample opportunities for visitors to explore the abundant flora and fauna that thrive in this picturesque wilderness.

Buffer Gates of Pench Tiger Reserve (Maharashtra)

1. Surewani

The Surewani zone serves as the buffer area for Maharashtra’s Pench National Park, located approximately 60 km from Nagpur. This densely forested and picturesque region is home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, providing habitat to an array of wildlife including tigers, leopards, wild boars, chitals, sambars, sloth bears, wild dogs, and an abundance of bird species.

Read More: Top Things To Do In Pench

And while you quench your thirst for sighting the myriad wonders that Pench National Park has to offer, Pench Tree Lodge is a great option to add to the ongoing adventure!

Contributed by: Vishal Sharma, Naturalist at Pench Tree Lodge

Edited by: Tanvi Shah

Pench Tree Lodge offers a luxurious resort in Pench National Park in the jungle with spacious cottages on the ground and tree houses perched on top of the Mahua trees that are supported by stilts. Large french windows allow for an uninterrupted view of the deciduous forest and grassland and let you observe the multitude of birds, butterflies, and wild animals at the lodge.



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