The Ultimate Guide To Explore Rukhad Sanctuary in Pench

Rukhad, one of the important buffer zones of Pench National Park, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers alike, for its serene ambience and rich biodiversity as immortalized in Rudyard Kipling’s classic “The Jungle Book!”

rukhad gate of pench tiger reserve
Rukhad gate of Pench Tiger Reserve

It is of crucial importance as not only does it act as a buffer zone, but also serves as a connecting forest between the Pench Tiger Reserve and Kanha Tiger Reserve.

Once a hunting ground for the Britishers during the colonial era, Rukhad has transformed into a picturesque destination brimming with lush forests and diverse flora and fauna. Known for its good sightings of big cats and lush green forest, this verdant paradise spans around 120

Located on the Jabalpur-Nagpur Highway NH44, Rukhad’s popularity among tourists has surged due to the new highway, furthermore making it more accessible for all who wish to experience its captivating beauty.

Read on to find out why Rukhad Sanctuary should be your next travel destination!

Read More: Best Gates In Pench National Park

Rukhad: A Corridor Between Kanha and Pench

pench kanha corridor
Pench-Kanha corridor

Rukhad serves as a large animal corridor between Seoni (Madhya Pradesh) and Nagpur (Maharashtra) sector of the National Highway 44 (NH44), and the entire stretch passes through the Pench Tiger Reserve.

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), has constructed a four-lane road stretching for 117 km to connect the two sectors. To prevent the disruption of animal movements, a 750 meter long underpass has been built exclusively for wild animals, which is said to be the world’s longest highway underpass!

However, the construction of the structures had met with protests from animal activists. Hence later, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) agreed to construct guide walls and nine underpasses of 50-750 meter width at various places on the 37 km road.

nh44 underpass
NH44 underpass
nh44 underpass
nh44 underpass

While the road has made commuting easier for humans, the five underpasses and four minor bridges have also ensured that the movement of animals are not disrupted. Therefore, the underpasses will not only prevent any unprecedented accidents of animals, but also provide smooth movement of animals, allowing them to freely stroll around in their natural habitat.

The Rukhad forest has more movement around the water bodies, especially during summer. There are a few man-made water bodies, mainly filled by the forest department using solar panels, which tend to dry up in summer. Nandrook Talab, Dudhiya Talab, and Dhaman Manda Dobri are some of the water bodies where big cats are frequently seen.

Animals Recorded at the Underpasses

Between March and December 2019, camera traps fixed on the pillars of the nine underpasses have captured 5,450 images of animals moving through the entire stretch. There were pictures of tigers, leopards, wild dogs (dhole), chitals, Indian bison, wild pigs, jungle cats and porcupines. 

This has come as good news to researchers of the Wildlife Institute of India (WII) as it has been found that 11 tigers (mostly five adult males, three adult females and three sub-adult), too, are frequently utilizing the amazing facility for movement.

Rukhad forest is known for its large gaur population. In herbivores, sambhar, chital, blue bull, wild boar, are found here in medium density. Apart from these, there are some rare herbivores sighted here, like the barking deer and four-horned antelope, but the sightings are mostly brief.

1. Observations made at the underpasses:

tiger crossing the underpass
Tiger crossing the underpass

Several interesting moments of the animals have also been captured by the camera traps during the tenure between March and December.

It was observed that at night, the underpasses were mostly being used by a leopard, a gaur, a sloth bear, civet cats, and many langurs. Additionally, a pack of wild dogs were filmed hunting a spotted deer. It was noted that some move in groups and some solo. They either take a nap, play with their pack members, hunt or use the underpasses for moving to different parts of the forest.

Thus, the Wildlife Institution of India (WII) has confirmed that about 18 species of animals have used the underpasses for movement in this duration.

2. Popular Tigers of Rukhad:

Some popular tigers of Rukhad include Bajirao, the current dominant male tiger of Rukhad, who covers a large area of the park. Other notable tigers are the Van Chowki female, who is currently seen with her three cubs, approximately 8-9 months old, and Sakata, an older female and one of the boldest tigers in Rukhad. These magnificent species attract wildlife enthusiasts from around the world, eager to witness their grace and power in their natural habitat.

Also Read: Best Places To See Tigers In India

Things To Do In Rukhad

1. Jeep Safari

Jeep safari experience by Pugdundee Safaris in Rukhad

To explore Rukhad, the best option is a gypsy safari. In an open gypsy, you can fully enjoy the jungle experience, and the booking can be done seamlessly by visiting our website or getting in touch with our trip curators at Pugdundee Safaris. In order to make your safari experience even more splendid, you can book your stay at one of the best eco-luxe wildlife resorts in Pench Pench Tree Lodge, located at a distance of just 25 km from Rukhad.

Find Out More: Luxury Tiger Safari Programme

2. Cycling

Cycling track in Rukhad

Rukhad is also a paradise for cycling lovers. In addition to safari options, we offer guided cycling tours through the buffer areas, providing a unique opportunity to immerse in the untouched wilderness of Rukhad. Pedal your way through winding trails, keeping a keen eye out for wildlife sightings while soaking in the breathtaking natural beauty of the surroundings.

Pugdundee Safaris organizes full-day cycling in the jungle, whereas the permits are issued by the forest department, with breaks at Rukhad’s old forest rest house where you’ll enjoy proper meals and comfort. You can also opt for longer tours through the jungle. Pench Tree Lodge has the best cycles available nearby, ensuring a seamless cycling experience. For further information, feel free to contact Pugdundee Safaris.

Also Read: Top Things To Do In Pench

3. Stay At The Forest Rest House

sakata forest rest house in rukhad
Sakata Forest Rest House in Rukhad

Immerse yourself in the rustic charm of Rukhad with a stay in the century-old Sakata Forest Rest House. Located in the heart of the forest, this historic rest house, over 120 years old, was once part of the British hunting grounds, brimming with stories of its rich legacy, adding depth and authenticity to your stay in this enchanting wilderness. The booking requests are to be made to the forest department.

Rukhad isn’t just a destination; it’s a sanctuary for wildlife and people alike. Let’s cherish and protect its natural splendor for generations to come!

Contributed by: Vishal Sharma and Deepa Rakshana, from the team at Pench Tree Lodge

Edited by: Tanvi Shah

If you want to experience the enthralling beauty of Rukhad please feel free to contact Pugdundee Safaris for the best hospitality and experiences. The Pench Tree Lodge stands out as one of the premium wildlife-resorts in Pench National Park. Check out our website or call us for more information:



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