birds in pench

Birds in Pench I Species of Birds in Pench

Birdwatching in Pench National Park: A Complete Guide

 Pench National Park located in heart of India is a treasure trove of biodiversity. It is famous for its rich flora and fauna.

 While it is renowned for its tigers and other wildlife, bird watching in Pench National Park is an equally captivating activity, offering bird enthusiasts an unforgettable experience. With its variety of habitats and abundance of bird species, the park is a paradise for birdwatchers.

This guide provides comprehensive information on why Pench is ideal for birdwatching. What more you can find here are the best times to visit Pench for birdwatching, top bird species to look out for, prime bird watching spots in Pench, and much more.

Let’s explore this vast landmass from the eyes of a naturalist.

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Peacock with its feathers wide open in Pench National Park.

Why Pench National Park is a Birdwatcher’s Paradise

Pench National Park boasts unique ecological features that make it an exceptional destination for   bird watchers. The park’s varied landscape includes dense forests, open grasslands and numerous water bodies especially the Pench river, creating a haven for a wide variety of bird species. With over 285 plus species recorded, birdwatching in Pench National Park offers enthusiasts a chance to see both resident and migratory birds in various seasons. Sometimes, people staying at resorts in Pench are lucky enough to see rare species of birds near the resorts.

The park’s location along the Central Indian Highlands contributes to its avian diversity, acting as a   crucial stopover for many migratory birds. Seasonal bird migrations bring an array of species, making each visit a unique experience.

Visitors can spot majestic birds of prey like the Crested Serpent Eagle, Mottled wood Owl and the colorful species such as Indian Peafowl (Common throughout the park but the most beautiful bird), Indian Roller, the Asian Paradise Flycatcher, and a plethora of water birds around the park’s lakes and Pench river.

As a naturalist, it’s a privilege to welcome these flying beauties every year.

Best Time for Birdwatching in Pench National Park

To maximize your birdwatching experience in Pench National Park, it is essential to visit during the optimal seasons.

Winter (November to February): This period is ideal for spotting migratory birds in Pench National Park. The cooler temperatures make birdwatching more pleasant, when the park is beaming up with avian activity. Species such as Rudy shelduck, Northern pintail, Osprey and many species of Sandpipers are commonly sighted at this time.  

One of the largest vulture species – Cinereous is also sighted during this time.

Summer (March to June): During the warmer months, resident birds are more active. Although the heat can be intense, early morning and late afternoon excursions are rewarding. The park’s   water bodies become crucial gathering points for birds, offering excellent viewing & photographing opportunities. The park is filled with the sounds of the Indian Cuckoo and Asian Paradise Flycatcher (the state bird of Madhya Pradesh).

Weather Conditions: Pench experiences a tropical climate, with temperatures ranging from 4°C in winter to 45°C in summer. The monsoon season (July to September) brings heavy rains, making it less ideal for birdwatching due to accessibility issues and dense foliage.

Top Bird Species to Look Out For:

Indian Pitta: Known for its vibrant plumage and melodious calls, the Indian Pitta is a delight to observe. It is commonly seen foraging on the forest floor during summer time and it is usually a dream for photographer to take a shot of this colourful bird.

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The Indian Pitta is known for its vibrant plumage and melodious calls.

Malabar Pied Hornbill: This striking bird, with its large bill and black-and-white coloration, is often spotted in the forest canopy. It is one of the prettiest birds in Pench and is quite active from March to April due to their breeding season.

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Malabar Pied Hornbill is often spotted in the forest canopy.

Grey-headed Fish Eagle: A majestic raptor, the Grey-headed Fish Eagle is frequently seen near water bodies, hunting for fish. Prime spots for this bird are the Pench River, Bijamata Lake, and Jhandimata Lake.

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Grey-headed Fish Eagle is frequently seen near water bodies.
Rare and Migratory Species

Painted Spurfowl: The male bird is gorgeous and has many colors, while the female is a bit duller. It prefers rocky, scrubby areas. Sightings of the Painted Spurfowl are rare, as they are shy by nature.

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Sightings of the Painted Spurfowl are rare, as they are shy by nature.

Woolly-necked Stork: As the name suggests, it has a woolly neck, a black body, and a long bill for catching prey in water. It is quite a big bird. You can see this bird around water bodies in winter. This stork is also known for its elegant flight and distinctive white neck.

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Woolly-necked Stork is known for its elegant flight and distinctive white neck.

Peregrine Falcon: Known for its incredible speed and hunting prowess, the Peregrine Falcon is an exciting find for birdwatchers. This medium-sized bird of prey prefers marshy lands and teak  plantations. It is also famous for its remarkable stoop, a high-speed dive used to catch prey.

Best Birdwatching Spots in Pench National Park

Karmajhiri and Touria Gates provide access to the best areas of Pench.. Places like Jhandimata Talab and Bodanala Talab are popular for aquatic birds such as the Northern Pintail & Indian Spot-billed Duck. In Alikatta grasslands, one can also see vultures flying in search of carrion. Murumgadda offer a variety of species including Storks and Kingfishers.

Birds of prey are commonly seen throughout the park, including the Changeable Hawk Eagle, Shikra, and many others. These spots provide excellent opportunities to observe both resident and migratory species.

Rukhad: Rukhad is an important corridor between Kanha and Pench. It is a dense forest with incredible birdlife, including the Oriental Honey Buzzard, Blue-bearded Bee-eater and White-throated Kingfisher. Much bird activity is seen here throughout the year.

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Stork-billed Kingfisher

Pench River Area: This area is particularly good for water birds and raptors. The Pench River attracts a variety of birds, making it a hotspot for birdwatchers. You can spot Ospreys fishing here, River Lapwings (a rare sight in Central India), Stork-billed Kingfishers (the largest kingfisher in Central Indian jungles), Painted Storks, and River Terns. If you’re lucky, you might also see Brown Fish Owls and many more species. The river’s diverse habitats provide excellent opportunities for observing both resident and migratory birds.

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Trails and Water Bodies are great for Birdwatching in Pench National Park.

Runijhuni Trail: This trail offers a great opportunity for birders to walk in the jungle and look for birds. The trail is 3 km long and covers a variety of habitats, making it ideal for birdwatching. You have a chance to see different birds in shrubs, such as the Warblers and Prinias.

Sitaghat: Sitaghat is the bank of the Pench River, where you can find a variety of bird species, especially aquatic birds due to the river and rocky area. Sitaghat offers an astonishing view of the Pench landscape and is a great place to observe birdlife. You can see Little Ringed Plover, Oriental Darters, Indian Spot-billed Ducks, and many more. The area is particularly notable for its diverse avian activity and scenic beauty.

Bodhanala Lake: This region provides diverse habitats that are home to a wide variety of birds. With its dense foliage and water sources, it is especially good for spotting forest birds and raptors. Many migratory and resident birds are seen here throughout every season. Pied Kingfishers diving to catch tiny fish, and Pond Herons waiting at the edge for prey are often sighted here.

Where to Stay for the Best Birdwatching Experience in Pench National Park

For a rewarding birdwatching experience, choosing the right accommodation is crucial. Pench Tree Lodge offers an unparalleled experience with its prime location and great birdwatching packages.

Pench Tree Lodge provides customized birdwatching tours led by experienced naturalists who are trained professionally to help you spot and observe  Bird behavior. These tours are designed to maximize sightings and offer educational insights into the park’s avian life.

Proximity to Prime Birdwatching Spots

Pench Tree Lodge offers easy access to the best birdwatching areas. Inside the lodge itself, over 100 species have been recorded. The lodge features a private photography hide, providing an excellent vantage point to observe and photograph bird movements. Even the drive from the lodge to the park gate offers opportunities to spot amazing birds such as the Indian Roller, Black-winged Kite, and House Sparrow (which is now a rare sight in cities). Additionally, guests can enjoy early morning and late afternoon jeep safaris, optimizing their birdwatching opportunities.

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Wildlife and Safari Experiences

Pench National Park also offers variety of activities such as Jeep Safaris in Pench and Tiger Safaris in Pench. One can also experience the jungle by going on a nature walk and also indulging in trekking activities. Get the first-hand experience of villages in buffer zones and relish the locally prepared cuisines.

Jeep Safaris

These safaris offer an opportunity to experience the park’s varied landscapes and ecosystems, increasing your chances of encountering elusive species and enjoying the natural beauty of the area.

Nature Walks

These walks offer excellent opportunities for   best wildlife experience, allowing you to see various bird species in their natural habitat and learn more about their behaviors and interactions.

Cultural and Local Experiences

Visiting Nearby Villages and Markets: Engaging with local communities and exploring nearby villages offers a cultural perspective. The daily lifestyle of villagers is very different from that of city folks, making it a great learning and refreshing experience for city kids.

Birdwatching in Pench National Park is a rewarding and enriching experience, offering a glimpse  into the vibrant avian life of central India. The park’s unique ecological features, diverse bird species, and prime birdwatching spots make it a must-visit destination for bird enthusiasts. Whether you are a seasoned birdwatcher or a beginner, never forget to bring a notepad and  binoculars for birdwatching in Pench National Park; it promises an unforgettable experience.

Written by Vishal Sharma

Naturalist with Pugdundee Safaris at Pench Tree Lodge

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